Pod Squad: Learning & Fun at Camp!
September 29, 2020

The first few weeks of Pod Squad have been amazing! What we are enjoying the most about this model of learning is the flexibility to support kids with outside lessons and allowing them to try new things. As soon as kids have submitted their assignments and can be off their screens, they enthusiastically jump in to any activity that our staff offers.
For example, last week Jesse challenged some of the kids to search the woods for sticks to build their own rafts. Everyone had the chance to test their engineering skills and set the rafts afloat in The Frog Pond. Everyone cheered for one another when their raft was successfully launched!
On the Low Ropes Course, Sam worked with students on The Moby Deck (pictured left). Sam created a maze and together they collaborated to solve the puzzle – how to tilt the deck and move a tennis ball through the looped maze. It sounds easy… but it required lots of teamwork and good communication skills. They rocked it!
Yesterday, a few Pod Squaders volunteered with Katie to assist assembling meals as part of our partnership with The Family Table Collaborative. Since June, we have provided meals twice a week to food-insecure families across The Cape. The kids portioned out the food, filled trays and packaged some of the 500 meals to be distributed today.
In addition to developing new problem solving and teamwork skills, plus pitching in with community service, we still make plenty of time for shooting hoops, playing carpet ball and giggling at Gaga!
Camp W*K Pod Squad is supported learning for kids who are attending school virtually. There are still spaces available, please e-mail us to reserve your spot.