Registration is open. Enroll now!
As Fall gets closer and closer, we are feeling the same stress: As parents, most of us are again facing either hybrid learning or 100% virtual learning for our kids.
We know after 20 years as youth development professionals, that children learn best in a safe environment with their peers, while having fun and building connections.
In that spirit, we welcome you to Camp W*K’s Pod Squad!
What is it? Pods are supervised learning groups of six children hosted at Camp Wingate*Kirkland, which support all types of virtual learning. Pod Squad Leaders will keep kids safe, help them learn effectively and provide a fun and supportive environment – Camp W*K!
How will my child’s school be included? Your child’s classroom teacher at their school will create the curriculum and assignments, and our Pod Squad Leaders will assist your child with their virtual learning as part tutor, part guide, and part motivator!
What are Pod Squad Leaders and Pod Squad Players? Certified Pod Squad Leaders provide structured supervision for their Pod. Pod Squad Leaders are trusted W*K Staff who understand how kids learn effectively and are prepared to work through potential frustrations. They will assist students with academics and provide social and emotional support. Pod Squad Players create and supervise activities for the children during downtime, ensuring movement, social connections and lots of fun.
How does downtime work? During downtime, W*K Pod Squad Players will be with the children outside! This way, your child will get a much-needed break from virtual learning and enjoy 40 acres to explore, run, laugh and play. And, simply, be a kid!
What’s the general schedule like?
- Monday through Friday, beginning September 14th
- 8:00AM to 2:30PM (new earlier start time!)
- Mornings are a combination of virtual learning and organized outdoor activities run by W*K Pod Squad Staff
- Afternoons continue learning or completing assignments
What safety protocols will be in place? All children and W*K Pod Squad Staff will follow EEC and Yarmouth Health Department COVID-19 safety protocols. Masks will be required indoors and when physical distancing is not possible. Download our Pod Squad Protocols.
How much does it cost? $100 per day with 3 day minimum per week.
Who is eligible? Kids enrolled in 1st through 8th grade.
How is this different from homeschooling? Camp W*K Pod Squad is support for the virtual learning curriculum created by your child’s school.
Why should I consider this? Camp Wingate*Kirkland is a trusted partner of hundreds of families for building social and emotional skills in kids during the summer. Now is the time for W*K to help you get back to work this fall and build your child’s confidence and academic skills at the same time!
We know how hard Spring 2020 was for all of you. Effectively supporting your kids in virtual learning was a tremendous challenge for every working parent.
Starting in September, W*K Pod Squad is your answer to the question: “How can I make sure that my child is learning, having fun and remaining safe while I work and stay sane?”
Download our Pod Squad Protocols.
Download a Pod Squad Suggested Packing List.
Interested? E-mail us today