Why was camp cancelled?
The decision to cancel Camp this summer was difficult. Over the past few months the Leadership Team has been hard at work to come up with every possible scenario to make summer camp a reality. When families choose Camp Wingate*Kirkland, they are counting on us to provide an experience that takes responsibility for everyone’s emotional and physical safety. Summer at Camp W*K is the opposite of social distancing. The global pandemic has made it impossible for us to run our typical Camp program safely and appropriately this summer.

Why aren’t you able to just delay camp or run a portion of summer?
We explored all of the possibilities that would allow us to have some version of Camp. Ultimately the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 has left us in a position where we are not able to offer a high-quality camp experience, even in a shortened version.

It was my campers Challenge 3/Lodge 1 Summer. Now what?
Those same campers will return in 2021 to have their Challenge 3 summer! It is important to us that they get to share in ALL of the rites-of-passage experiences – Maine Bike Trip, Single-Sex Overnight, lifeguard training and New Hampshire – that they have looked forward to for years. They will still get to share their time together in Lodge 1 in 2021 and we can’t wait to see what they come up with for Banquet!

What will happen to the CIT program for next summer?
Campers who were registered in the 2020 CIT program can still be a CIT in 2021. We cannot have as powerful and meaningful of a Camp community without CITS – from lifeguarding to offering periods to evening activities and days off together – CITs make W*K a stronger place! 

Will you be offering online camp this summer?
While nothing replaces the magic of being at Camp, the W*K Leadership Team is working on ways to provide opportunities for camper engagement and connection over the summer. We will continue the virtual programming that we started back in March as well as our weekly campfire. While we don’t plan to offer a full online camp experience, we’re exploring ways we can stay connected with our campers over the summer.

Will there be Camp next year?
We are fully anticipating being able to re-open for next summer and we look forward to welcoming you all back once again in 2021!

My camper is having a really hard time with this, do you have any suggestions?
We expect your child will be disappointed, mad and angry. Guess what, we are too! We’ve collected some links to articles which may help you talk to your children.……

What happens to our camper’s tuition?
We will apply a full credit of tuitions paid for 2020 toward Summer 2021. This guarantees their space at Camp for next summer.

Rolling tuition forward to 2021 isn’t an option for me. Can I get a refund?
Any tuition paid for 2020 programs is fully refundable. We will begin issuing refunds within 60 days of your refund request. 

Can we change sessions if we roll over our tuition to 2021?
Absolutely! When we announce our summer 2021 Camp dates, you will have the chance to choose the session in which you would like to register your camper(s).

What is the cancellation policy if I roll forward my paid tuition to 2021?
Camp Wingate*Kirklands usual enrollment policies will apply including cancellation/refund deadlines.

How can I help Camp Wingate*Kirkland?
We appreciate your support! While we are confident that Camp Wingate*Kirkland will make it through this difficult time, the best way you can help us is by sharing your love of Camp Wingate*Kirkland with a family who will benefit from our warm, nurturing and supportive community.