Laundry & Spending Money


On the day they arrive, each camper is lent a mesh laundry bag that they keep for their entire session. Once each week, all laundry is put in the mesh bag and secured, then sent out. The laundering method allows whites, colors, towels and sheets to be put in the same wash. Clean laundry returns to camp within 24 hours, washed, dried and folded.

*Camp provides weekly laundry service for all campers

Spending Money

With W*K’s all-inclusive tuition, there is no need for a canteen account.

Camp will pay for any admissions or additional trip fees your child should incur. We will also provide them with a small amount of spending money if necessary. Your child may bring additional spending money to Camp, but it will be their responsibility to manage it and keep it in their bunk. Camp will not be responsible for any personal/extra spending money that campers bring with them.