Inclusivity Statement

At Camp W*K, we value community. The experience is designed to promote a healthy, warm climate and community based on mutual respect, generosity, kindness and genuine concern for others. We cherish diversity and inclusivity and we actively strive to create a culture of acceptance, tolerance, and respect.

We welcome campers and staff into our programs, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and socioeconomic status. Additionally, Camp Wingate*Kirkland embraces transgender and gender nonconforming people.

We recognize that diversity of backgrounds, races, cultures, ethnicities, religious beliefs, ideas, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions challenges us and builds strength, confidence, and loving acceptance that can be transferred to the world at large.

We believe that everyone involved with Camp W*K, including our campers, has an obligation to create and maintain a healthy, safe environment for everyone in our Camp community.

Inclusivity is a common theme at Camp W*K. During Staff Week, counselors will talk and train together to uphold these values. At our first Evening Forum, we will share this Inclusivity Statement with campers.

We are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals to be who they are.  Camp W*K has a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, victimization or harassment.