The First 24 Hours

First Session, Mini Camp 1 and Full Season Campers

First Session, Mini Camp 1 and Full Season campers will arrive at Camp either by bus, plane or car. We try to schedule Opening Day travel so everyone at Camp arrives at pretty much the same time. The first thing that campers do is unpack their belongings onto their shelves and make their beds (beds are assigned by us ahead of time) – so that it begins to feel like home.

Counselors and bunk mates are there to help. New campers will also be welcomed by their “Camp Buddy” who will help to show them around over the next few days. In addition, the counselors in each bunk have special activities planned to introduce all the campers in their bunk to each other and show them the way around Camp. Activities on the first day are generally spent with bunkmates.

Before long, it’s dinner time and bunks go to the Dining Hall together. After dinner, we have Evening Forum, followed by a short evening activity that puts the staff on stage to introduce themselves. Finally, bunks return “home” together and get ready for bed in anticipation of the first full day of Camp.

The next day of Camp follows our regular schedule. New campers usually eat breakfast with their Camp Buddy and review the Planning Sheet together. After breakfast comes the season’s first Planning Session, where we learn how to take part in this daily ritual. Before you know it, four periods, three meals, two generals, a swim and one rest period are over, and it’s time for Evening Forum, Evening Activity and then bedtime!

Second Session and Mini Camp 2 Campers

The first 24 hours will be a little different, since some members of the bunk are attending for the full season, and will already be settled in. After everyone says their goodbyes at drop off, new campers will finish moving into their bunk and then the bunk will spend the remainder of the afternoon together on several activities.

The first day is a special day at Camp in that campers will share activities with their bunk so they can get to know each other. Camp Leaders, their “Camp Buddy” will show new campers around.

Before long, it’s time for dinner, followed by Evening Forum and an activity to introduce staff to new campers.

The next day of Camp follows our regular schedule. New campers usually eat breakfast with their Camp Buddy and review the Planning Sheet together. After breakfast everyone heads to the Pearl B for Planning Session, where counselors will advertise the activities they are offering and campers will pick their schedule for the day.

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